KC speaking in a workshop.
About LedgerTech

LedgerTech is founded in 2018. We are seeing the Distributed Ledger Technology, DLT, or commonly known as blockchain, is bringing some interesting and solid change in how things work, both in business world and in our life.

It is our belief that before we can find any value blockchain brings to us, we must first grasp what blockchain is, and is not. Then we can make better judgement whether blockchain can really help us.

LedgerTech provides training classes and workshops for those who are interested to know more about this technology, and see whether it brings value to you and your business. Besides we can also provide consulting service on blockchain projects.

About KC Tam

KC delivers blockchain courses and workshops on a variety of blockchain topics. His strength (and interest) is to explain what blockchain is and is not to a wide spectrum of audience, from business leaders to techies. His focus is on how things work of multiple blockchain implementations, and how applications are developed on top of the major frameworks such as Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric.

Starting from mid 2017, KC keeps publishing around fifty articles in his Medium page and Blockgeeks. His works have attracted more than 13,000 views worldwide each month. He is also a speaker in some blockchain events.

You can view his profile here.

Interested to learn more about blockchain, and know how it may have an impact to you and your business? Feel free to reach KC at kctam@ledgertech.biz.

KC's Articles

KC's articles cover general concepts on blockchain and how blockchain can be used in various applications. Platform-wise, his focus is on both Hyperledger Fabric and Ethereu, the most popular platforms today when blockchain applications are developed and deployed. He also does some cross-platform comparisons.

KC's articles
